We are hiring. Please see our employment page for more information.
The Fry Fire District is excited to offer the opportunity for you to participate in the Fuel Reduction Grant. We are targeting all areas along Highway 92, with a focus on the Huachuca Mountain Foothills that are in a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) area and are currently seeking applications for a grant that’s currently funded and offers a 70% match for the 2023 grant process. Please stop by the office at 4817 S. Apache Avenue and pick up an application packet. We’d love to see you and talk with you about this program to make your community safer.

Staffing Statistics
Mark Savage, Fire Chief
Deputy Chiefs-2
Ambulance Billing Specialists-2
Fire Marshal-1

Useful and Important Information Below
Arizona Wildfire Map
Click on the Links Below the Photo
InciWeb the Incident Information System (nwcg.gov)
Wildfire Situation | Arizona Interagency Wildfire Prevention (az.gov)