The Fry Fire District offers free home safety inspections. To schedule an inspection, contact the fire prevention office at (520) 378-2222.
EDITH stands for Exit Drills in the Home. Every home should have an escape plan and all family members should practice it.
- The Risk of Burning Oleanders (4172 downloads )
- Fry Fire District: Emergency Evacuation Plan (3904 downloads )
- Kids and Parents Fire Safety Checklist (5717 downloads )
- Home, Fire, and Life Safety Checklist (3945 downloads )
- Escape Planning Drills for the Home (3713 downloads )
- Smoke Alarm Information Guide (4094 downloads )
Smoke Detectors
The Fry Fire District will install a smoke detector in each bedroom of your home at no charge. We will also replace outdated non-working smoke detectors at no charge. We cannot replace hard wired smoke detectors!
If you do not currently have a smoke detector or the one you have is over ten years old give us a call. Doing so could save your life or one of your family members. CALL 520-378-2222 to Schedule a time.
Links for Additional Tips