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Burn Permit Application

Permits will expire December 31 2025.

All permits are required to be issued to the owner of the property in which the burning will be performed.

The Fry Fire District burn permit guidelines, rules and restrictions are in accordance with:

  • The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
  • The International Fire Code, 2018

Open Burning Rules:

Prior to burning you must check our website (under Burn Permit > Daily Burn Approval) to see if burning is allowed.  If burning is allowed you will be directed to enter your information from your permit on to the website. If you do not have internet access you may also call the Fry Fire District prior to burning. Factors affecting burning approval include weather conditions and fire danger warnings.

  1.  Open burning must be approved DAILY!
  2.  Keep a copy of your permit on site during burning operations. (a copy will be E-mailed to you)
  3. Hours of burning are from 0900-1600 hours daily ONLY! This is an Arizona Department of Environmental Quality regulation, not Fry Fire District.
  4. Your operational burn permit allows you to burn materials in one of the following ways:
    1. Gathered in a pile not larger than 4’ by 4’ wide, 2’ high or 32 cubic feet.
    2. Placed in an approved container such as a burn barrel. Materials to be burned must not be greater than 32 cubic feet at any given time.
    3. Gathered in a pit. Materials to be burned in a pit must not be greater than 32 cubic feet at any given time.
  5. Burning materials must not be closer than 50 feet to any structure.
  6. A minimum clear area of 3’ must be kept around piles.
  7. The fire must be attended at all times and must not be a nuisance or create a heath liability to your neighbors.
  8. A means of extinguishing a small fire must be available at all times. This includes items such as a fire extinguisher or water hose.
  9. Petroleum products such as gasoline are prohibited from being used as ignition sources. Matches, flares and propane torches are acceptable.

Call 911 at the first sign a fire is becoming out of control.

The following materials are restricted from burning:

  • Household waste
  • Plastics
  • Polyester
  • Batteries
  • Waste petroleum products
  • Hazardous waste products
  • Tar paper
  • Insulation
  • Electrical wire components
  • Tires
  • Paint
  • Asbestos
  • Poison Ivy
  • Poison Sumac
  • Oleanders
  • Asphalt Shingles

Oleanders produce toxic smoke when burned and are a restricted material.

Burn permit
Name of Person Buring
Name of Person Buring
First Name
Last Name
Address where burn will be conducted
Address where burn will be conducted

I have read the information above and have had an opportunity to ask questions about the training and how my information will be used. I understand the purpose of the training and what my participation involves. I agree to take part in the training and for the information I provide to be shared with the organization. I understand that anonymized information about me may be published online and that published material from this project may be used and distributed for training and service design and development. I know that my participation is voluntary and that I can choose to withdraw from the training at any point.

I agree
I agree
I agree
I agree
I agree
I agree
I agree
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